The Dean of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences inspects the progress of work in the new building of the Deanship
The Dean of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Diyala, Prof. Majeda Hamid Kambesh, inspected the work site for the construction of the new deanship that was contracted for the purpose of reviewing the construction work in place. In proportion to the needs of the college in terms of buildings for the teaching and functional staff in the college.
There, the dean met the workers and supervisors of the implementation of the construction works and assured them of the necessity of speedy completion of the works and with high accuracy in order to provide a suitable place for the new building of the deanship.
At the end of her tour, which was accompanied by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Walid Shehab, Associate Dean for Scientific and Student Affairs, she wished all employees success in their work in order to paint a picture worthy of the status of the college.