The College Logo
The symbolic significance of the logo for Physical Education / University of Diyala
The new logo of the Physical Education was adopted after obtaining official approvals for changing the old logo to the new logo of the college. Eight models were presented at the meeting of the College Council for the purpose of selecting one. The new logo was chosen as the official logo of the College of Physical Education. It is inspired by the features of Diyala province and also symbolizes science, knowledge, and sport. The English term "College of Physical Education" was not changed to College of Sports Education as a reference to the basic entry into physical education in Iraq and then changed to Physical Education
The new logo figurative meanings:
- The Blue part refers to the Diyala River.
- The green part shows the movement of sports.
- The orange circle refers to the orange fruit, which is famous for the province of Diyala.
- The sum of these parts consists of a person with a mathematical movement.
- 1998 represent the history of the establishment of Physical Education.
In addition, the logo contains the name of the Sports Education and the name of the University of Diyala in Arabic and English.